Plan miasta Gumniste

Znaleziono 2 miejscowosci o nazwie Gumniste.

Gumniste - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Mittagspause Hamburg Venusberg: Im Café Johanna ? Ohhh? Mhhh?

Die Mädels heißen Elvira Gumnista und Sarah Rappmann (siehe oben ? in der 06/09-Ausgabe der Maxi, Foto: Enver Hirsch) und ihre Zufluchtsstätte ?Café Johanna? (siehe unten). CafeJohanna. Den Namen Johanna haben die zwei von der ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Snake Plissken - Static Inverters - Battery Power Inverter

In March 2007 Ain't It Cool News reported on the ongoing efforts to create the Snake Plissken Memorial Playground in Gumniste, Kosovo. Matrix, a character from the classic CGI cartoon, ReBoot, was very likely inspired by Snake Plissken, due to his similar appearance and attitude, as well as his .... Avail Atascadero Homes, San Luis Obispo Property, Atascadero Real Estate, Atascadero Real Estate? Importance of Online Business Directory for Online Businesses. New Articles ...
źródło: BlogSearch

News and history from around the world: Vushtrria nga lashtësia ...

Përveç fshatrave që dalin në kartëdhuratat e sunduesve nemanjidë, në dokumente paraosmane e gjejmë edhe fshatin Gumnishtë (12-13 km. në veri të Vushtrrisë; ky fshat të përkujton në fshatin Gumnista, të cilin e ndeshim në vitin 1430, ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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